The 2020 Grads


Milestones. They arrive fast and can catch you off guard (like my youngest just got her driver’s license!). But I knew when my oldest, Libby, went to college four years ago that time would pass quickly. I braced for the speed and hung onto every bit of the experience. And here we are …she graduates in May.

Some of you know that I am guided by an Always List, one that reflects the values I strive to live by every day. I thought it would be fun to pass along the Always List that I wrote for Libby, with all grads in mind – my hopes for them as they bravely take on the world.

Always shine bright...

Always give more than you take…

Always take a moment in the day to be grateful…

Always be kind…

Always have a hint of style…

Always love more…

Always be wise and follow your North Star…

Always be creating the next best version of you…


Tied to the Always List is Livewell’s first official Graduation Collection, inspired by Libby and her friends. Each piece carries a message for the 2020 Grad. I want these gifts to make our grads smile, knowing just how loved and supported they are.

Always live well.
X Claire

PS: Grad or no grad, these are meaningful gifts.


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